TV series Border Town Wanderers tells a tale of love, friendship and betrayal among martial arts warriors. The story is based on the Chinese novel, Bian Cheng Lang Zi (边城浪子)in Chinese, written by Hong Kong author Gu Long.
Actress Liu Yin plays one of the warriors. Here's how she describes her character.
"My role was a secret agent whose purpose is to protect the main actress in the film. So I was born to do this. So my life is to try to protect her. But she fell in love with a guy that I know is too dangerous.
So I know this guy is not good for her. What I need to do is to try to kill him. My role was very good at dancing, singing and wearing different costumes like a ninja."
So I know this guy is not good for her. What I need to do is to try to kill him. My role was very good at dancing, singing and wearing different costumes like a ninja."
Border Town Wanderers is currently playing on BTV in China. Audiences can also watch it online.
Source: CRI